

Lacidophilin products mainly contain lactobacillus and butyricacid, which stops diarrhea by adjusting intestinal PH down and killing or inhibiting harmful bacteria.
Enteronon-R ・ Biofermin ・ Lac-B ・ Miya-BM ・ Biolact
Precaution ・Milk allergy・Decrease Tetracycline groups’effect

Loperamide hydrochloride
It stops diarrhea by acting on central nervous system and autonomic nervous system to inhibit intestinal movement and secretion.
Side effects…Abdominal fullness, nausea, bellyache, thirst,headache, and uroschesis
  1. Diarrhea caused by bacillus
  2. Pseudomembranous colitis by antibiotics therapy
  3. Ulcerative colitis, liver dysfunction
  4. During pregnancy and lactation
  5. Sleepiness, dizziness (Do not use it while driving)
  6. It can not be given to children under the age of 2
It stops diarrhea by combining mucosa protein to form a membrane on intestinal mucosa, which inhibits intestinal secretion. And, astringent and antiseptics are contained in the medication.
Bismuth subnitrate ・ Albumin tannate
Side effects
  1. black stool
  2. liver dysfunction, constipation, lack of appetite
  1. allergy to milk (And to casein)
  2. taking iron supplements (combine with the iron to weaken iron’s action).
It stops diarrhea by absorbing the irritant(poison・microorganism, and gas etc), that causes inflammation on intestinal mucosa, and protecting intestinal mucosa.
Aluminium Silicate
Side effects …loose stool、diarrhea、bellyache、vomiting, and lack of appetite.