
Antipyretic and Analgesic Drugs

Do not use antipyretic and analgesic drugs whenever a fever occurs. Before using medications, you can try to cool the body, reduce room temperature, and remove clothing etc at first. If the fever is over 38.5?C and the child lies listlessly and refuses to take fluids, the medication should be used. The medication can be also used to ease the pain of headache and earache etc as well though there is no fever.

Application and Dosage
Medication must be given as prescribed dosage and interval (5 to 6 hours). Do not take medication before meal, or as least drink some fluid before taking the medication. Antipyretic and analgesic drugs do not treat the illness but only reduce the fever and ease the pain. So when their effects were gone, fever and pain may occur again. If medications are not given as prescribed dosage and interval, side effects may occur. Doctorfs instruction must be followed.

Prescriptions of Antipyretic and Analgesic (our clinic)
Alopiny SuppositoryAnyrume S SuppositoryCalonalAtmiphen
Component: Acetaminophen
  1. Anyrume S Suppository, Alopiny Suppository
    Depend on age, use 1 suppository or cut a suppository along the marked scale if 1 suppository is too much for your child. Spread baby oil or olive oil on the suppository (reduce the pain during inserting), and then insert it into the rectum. Dosage interval must be 6 hours or more. If suppository came out but its shape reminds, insert it into rectum again. If it has already been inserted into rectum over 10 minutes, the component in the suppository should have been absorbed into the body, and it is no need to re-insert it. Suppositories can be kept in refrigerator for 1 to 2 years. Call us for consultation, when you do not know how much to use.
  2. Atmiphen Syrup
    It is powdered and available to melt in water. The medication can be kept for 1 year in a container where the desiccant was put.
  3. Calonal Syrup
    Calonal syrup is made for young children. It can be mixed with any fluid. There are marked scales on the container, and you should take the medication under your doctorfs instruction. If the calonal syrup is being clean, it can be kept in refrigerator for 1 month.
  4. l Calonal Tablet
    It is prescribed to big children or the children who dislike powdered drug. If one tablet is too big to take, break it into halves. How much a child should take will depend on age. It is very important to follow your family doctorfs instruction. This medication can be kept for 1 year.
It stops diarrhea by combining mucosa protein to form a membrane on intestinal mucosa, which inhibits intestinal secretion. And, astringent and antiseptics are contained in the medication.
Bismuth subnitrate E Albumin tannate
Side effects
  1. black stool
  2. liver dysfunction, constipation, lack of appetite
  1. allergy to milk (And to casein)
  2. taking iron supplements (combine with the iron to weaken ironfs action).
It stops diarrhea by absorbing the irritantipoisonEmicroorganism, and gas etcj, that causes inflammation on intestinal mucosa, and protecting intestinal mucosa.
Aluminium Silicate
Side effects …loose stoolAdiarrheaAbellyacheAvomiting, and lack of appetite.