
The medications we prescribed

Anti-Herpes Drugs

Common Anti-Herpes Drugs
Acyclovir (zovirax, grosparl, vicclox)

Acyclovir can be used to treat herpes virus infectionsigenital herpes, herpes encephalitis, skin & mucous herpesj, chickenpox, and shingles. When Acyclovir enters an infected cell, it is converted to an inhibitor for viral DNA replication. Because acyclovir works on viral DNA polymerase, it can be selectively taken up by infected cells.
If symptoms do not improve within 7 days in shingles and 5 days in herpes or chickenpox during acyclovir is used, stop the treatment.
Side Effects
The digestive side effects may be upset stomach and diarrhea, and the other may be drowsiness or dizziness etc. Some side effects can be serious, like blood abnormal, hives, itching, blisters, headache, difficulty sleeping, uneasiness, and aggressive behavior etc.
Drug Interaction
When acyclovir is used with theophylline (theodur or theolong) together, theophylline toxicityivomiting, headache, confusion, arrhythmiajmay occur.
TThe one who is allergic to acyclovir should not take the drug.