Side Effects of Antibiotics


     The purpose of creating antibiotics is to kill pathogenic bacteria, no damage to human cells, and without causing side effects. However, as antibiotics are foreign substances, the body may suffer many symptoms of side effects. There are two major types of side effects, one is common in all antibiotics, the other is specific in each antibiotic.

1 Common Side Effects

Diarrhea F Very common.It results from the antibiotic disrupting the normal balance of intestinal flora.

LiverEkidney damageF because many antibiotics are metabolized in the liver and eliminated from the kidneys, it may cause liver and kidney damage.

Allergic reactionsF Antibiotic is a foreign substance, a personf s immune system may react to it, so allergic reactions occurs. Allergic symptoms may be skin rashes, nausea, dizziness, staggering, lightheadedness, and the serious one can be shock (Penicillin Shock).

2 Specific Side effects

Aminoglycosides causes hearing problem, kidney damage; Quinolones creates convulsion, disturbed vision (sensitivity to light) , tendon damage; and tetracyclinesf staining of teeth, etc.